Algoritmos de diferencias y git

2013-10-11-facebook Los sistemas de control de versiones se basan en poder calcular de manera eficiente la diferencia entre dos ficheros. En How different are different diff algorithms in Git? hablan justamente de eso.

Identifican tres casos de uso de estas diferencias y comparan sus prestanciones.

From our systematic mapping, we identified three popular applications of diff in recent studies.

Fundamentalmente: recolección de métricas, identificar la introducción de fallos (bugs) y obtener parches (patches). Con dos algoritmos, Myers e Histogram.

In our empirical analyses, we conduct three comparisons based on the most popular usages of git diff found in our mapping study: collecting metrics, identifying bug introduction, and getting patches. We investigate the disagreement between two diff algorithms: Myers and Histogram, and take a manual measurement of their quality in generating the diff lists.

Lectura interesante.

 Date: October 26, 2020
 Categories:  desarrollo
 Tags:  desarrollo git diferencias diff

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